Arrival at Tunis Carthage airport Welcome and transfer to the hotel in Tunis
City walk
Dinner and accommodation at the hotel


The site of Dougga is remarkable for its size - 70 hectares - the good conservation of its monuments and the historical wealth of its Libyan, Punic, Numidian, Roman-African and Byzantine past. Among the monuments which make the fame of Dougga are the Libyan-Punic mausoleum, the Capitol, the Theatre as well as the temples of Saturn and Juno Caelestis. Lunch 13.00 h, then continuation towards Makthar, Visit of the site at first, Numidian then occupied by Punic settlers the city of Mactaris knows its apogee in the 2nd century under the Roman occupation. We will see the amphitheatre with its curious device to let in small animals. The forum surrounded by a portico has an almost intact paving. The arch of Trajan opens on a small esplanade with a monumental fountain. The large thermal baths of the South are the best preserved of Tunisia: the frigidarium with its original walls of almost 20m height and its beautiful pavement of mosaics, the palestra with its pillars, its columns and arcades... The schola of Ajuvenes was the seat of the paramilitary association of the rich young people in charge of ensuring the order and of collecting the taxes in kind. We can still see the quadrilobes lined with stone troughs that were to be used for the collection or distribution of grain and oil. Continuing towards Sbeïtla, Dinner and night at the hotel in Sbeïtla .


After breakfast, departure at 8:00 am, visit of the site of Sbeïtla. The oldest inscriptions date back to the 1st century and the city built on an orthonormal plan was probably never Punic. We will see the superb capitol formed by three temples dating from the 2nd century, joined by arches whose hangers are formed by terracotta bottles fitted into each other. This interesting technique was widely used in Roman Tunisia. The large baths, divided into winter and summer baths, form a beautiful ensemble. The Byzantine churches have very beautiful baptisteries decorated with polychrome mosaics. This particularly well cared for site is a real flower garden. Lunch at 1:00 pm. Departure for Gafsa which constitutes the wealth of Tunisia in terms of Phosphate important economic sector for the country Possible visit of the archaeological museum of Gafsa then continuation by the Saharan road to Tozeur. Installation at the hotel and dinner.


After breakfast, departure at 8:00 am, day dedicated to the discovery of Tozeur: visit of the artisanal brick factory. Very interesting visit of "Eden palm" to know everything about the date palm. We make date syrup and delicious jams sweetened with date syrup. After lunch 1pm, visit of the medina: here, in the narrow streets, everything is built in small honey-coloured bricks. The play of light and shadow of the decorative motifs maintains a certain freshness. Dinner at the hotel and visit of the DAR CHRAIET Museum.


After breakfast, departure at 8.00 am, for Tamaghza and visit the ghost village. We will then see the oasis of Midès which, perched on the edge of a vertiginous canyon, was the setting for some scenes of Fort Sagane as well as the English Patient, lunch in Tamaghza. Finally the oasis of Chébika where a small path follows the wadi until a pretty waterfall then enters a narrow gorge whose walls contain many fossils. We return to Tozeur via the desert to Ong Jmel and the sets of the Star Wars to admire the sunset at the top of the big dune, Dinner and overnight at the hotel in Tozeur.


After the breakfast, departure at 8:00 am, we cross the region of Djerid, place of election of the date palm tree which produces " the Deglat Nour " delicious fruit gorged of sun. The Chott el Djerid, salty immensity, is tinted pink and purple by the artemia salina, tiny dates. Lunch at 13.00, then on the way to kebili we see petrified sand dunes and water coolers for the watering of palm groves. The water comes out of the ground at 80 ° but by an ingenious system it reaches 30 ° when it arrives at the foot of the palm trees. Arrive in Douz, possibility of walking or camel ride in the dunes. It is in the dunes of Douz that was shot the movie "Can be" with Jean-Paul Belmondo. The central square of Douz has a certain charm. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.


After breakfast, departure at 8.00 am, we walk in the small Berber village of Tamezret and meet an inhabitant who makes us visit his house transformed into Berber museum. We will then see the Matmata mountains with their troglodytic houses. The women still use the vertical loom to weave beautiful kilims with bright colours. It is in this region that several films were shot: Star Wars, Bryan's life, Indiana Jones the adventurers of the Lost Ark, etc. Lunch at 1pm in Matmata in a good small family restaurant. The beautiful mountain road takes us to Toujane to enjoy a delicious herbal tea in front of the old village (good honey). Tataouine is especially known for its terrible prison under the French protectorate, the "Bribi" of sinister memory for the bat' d' af', the disciplinary battalions. We still use the expression: "it is in Tataouine" to indicate a place lost at the end of the world. Today it is a small, friendly and active city. Dinner and night at the hotel in Tataouine.


After breakfast, departure at 8.00 am, we will visit the west of Tatouine, the village of Chenini. You have to climb up to the white mosque which stands out on all the other ochre stone constructions, the landscape is impressive. You can visit a traditional oil mill. You will then see Douiret. A holy man founded it in the early days of Islam. It was formerly the obligatory stage between Gabès and Ghadamès. Interesting abandoned village on the hillside. Lunch at 1pm at the hotel then visit of the Ksours of the south of Tataouine: Ksar Zenata, this construction with the appearance of a fortress is one of the oldest Ksour of the region. Ksar Ouled Soltan where young watercolourists inspired by the magic of the place offer some of their works ... small wonders! The small café at the entrance of the ksar is very nice for an immersion with the locals, we make an excellent tea there. Dinner and night at the hotel.


After the breakfast, departure at 8:00 am, road towards Djerba along sebkhas, arid salt expanses where only grow halophytes plants but which are also very important for the migratory birds. Visit of the site of Ghigtis (Jektis) on the seaside. Founded by the Carthaginians, the city is mainly proposed in the Roman period. This commercial port populated by rich merchants who vied with each other to embellish the city, offers a beautiful forum dominated by the capitol, baths and a market. We then take the ferry that connects Jorf to the island of Jerba . Lunch at 1pm in Ajim or Guellala and visit of the small village of potters. Dinner and night at the hotel.


After breakfast, departure at 8.00 am, Visit of Djerba Hood in the charming village of Erriadh whose walls were decorated by articles from the four corners of the world ... what happened to these ephemeral paintings? Visit of the Ghriba synagogue which is a Tunisian synagogue constituting one of the main identity markers of the Jews of Djerba, one of the last living Jewish communities in the Arab world. Discovery of the capital Houmet Souk and its colourful and lively souks. Free lunch at 13h.00. Then visit of Djerba explore: Oil mill, Menzel, irrigation system, Museum, etc.


After breakfast, departure at 8.00 am, transfer to the airport. Assistance for departure.